The distance between New York and Arizona depends on how you measure it:
- As the crow flies: The shortest distance between any two points is a straight line. In this case, the distance between New York City and the center of Arizona is roughly 2,071 miles (3,333 kilometers).
- By driving: Taking roads and highways into account, the shortest route between New York City and Phoenix, Arizona (a major city in the state) is around 2,330 miles (3,750 kilometers) and would take approximately 36 hours to drive non-stop.
- By flying: Flights between New York and major cities in Arizona typically take between 5-7 hours. The exact distance will depend on the specific airports involved and the flight path taken.
So, to answer your question definitively, it depends on what you mean by “far.” It’s a significant journey by any means, whether you’re thinking about flying, driving, or just the straight-line distance.
Here are some additional details that might be helpful:
- Arizona is a large state, so the distance from New York can vary depending on which part of the state you’re considering.
- The travel time by car can vary significantly depending on traffic, weather conditions, and how many stops you make.
- There are many different routes you can take to get from New York to Arizona, so the exact distance and travel time will also vary depending on which route you choose.