What do expensive diamonds look like?

The appearance of an expensive diamond is a combination of several factors, not just a single “look.” Here’s what makes a diamond truly captivating and worthy of a high price tag:

The 4Cs:

  • Cut: This is arguably the most important factor, as it determines how light interacts with the diamond, creating brilliance and sparkle. A perfectly cut diamond will return almost all incoming light, resulting in dazzling fire and scintillation. Look for terms like “excellent” or “ideal” cut for the highest quality.
  • Color: The closer a diamond is to colorless, the rarer and more valuable it is. Gemological institutes like the GIA rate diamonds on a scale from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow). Fancy colored diamonds like pink, blue, and green can also be valuable depending on their intensity and saturation.
  • Clarity: This refers to the presence of any internal flaws or blemishes. Flawless diamonds are incredibly rare and expensive, while diamonds with tiny inclusions (visible only under magnification) can still be beautiful and valuable.
  • Carat weight: This is the size of the diamond, measured in carats. Larger diamonds are rarer and therefore more expensive, but carat weight alone doesn’t guarantee beauty or value. A smaller, well-cut diamond with superior color and clarity can be more desirable than a larger one with lower grades.

Beyond the 4Cs:

  • Fluorescence: Some diamonds exhibit fluorescence under ultraviolet light, which can sometimes appear as a milky blue glow. While not inherently bad, strong fluorescence can affect the diamond’s sparkle and is generally considered less desirable, impacting its price.
  • Symmetry and polish: Perfectly symmetrical facets and a flawless polish contribute to the overall beauty and brilliance of the diamond.
  • Cut type: Different cut styles, like round brilliant, princess, emerald, and pear, can influence the diamond’s appearance and appeal. Choose a cut that complements the diamond’s shape and maximizes its brilliance.

Visual qualities:

  • Fire: The play of light and color within the diamond, creating a dazzling sparkle.
  • Brilliance: The intensity of reflected light, making the diamond appear bright and radiant.
  • Scintillation: The flashes of light as the diamond moves, adding sparkle and animation.


  • Beauty is subjective: What one person finds breathtaking, another might not. Ultimately, the “look” of an expensive diamond is subjective and depends on your personal preferences and priorities.
  • Focus on quality, not just size: A smaller, high-quality diamond with excellent cut, color, and clarity can be more valuable and visually stunning than a larger diamond with lower grades.

If you’re considering purchasing an expensive diamond, it’s crucial to do your research, consult a reputable jeweler, and get the diamond certified by a gemological institute. This will ensure you’re getting a genuine stone of high quality and value, that truly shines with both beauty and worth.

I hope this information provides a comprehensive overview of what makes an expensive diamond look special and helps you appreciate the complexities of this captivating gemstone.